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  • Language of teaching
    Courses are usually taught by English speaking and/or French speaking teachers: when English there's a translation towards French, When French, we organize a translation towards English if English students are present. You can consult the translators' biographies.
  • Dates and Fees
    All the dates and fees for the next courses in France, as well as the online registration form, can be found on our website on this page. If you can registrer on the website, it means that there is place. Exemple, SME :
  • Contract in English
    We do English contract. But, be confident, we have the habit to work with foreign students and everything works well... And we are certified by the BMCA….
  • Studios Locations
    SOMA has no studio for the programs. The accommodation and the defrayals are not included in your contract but SOMA helps you to organize your coming for these sessions. We need to rent studios. Here we can find the list of the studios where there are the modules. We can find pictures of them and help to find accommodation. ​ In the previous session, sometimes the students used googlegroupe and googledrive to share the informations, the meeting points for the cars, stations, airport, to go the supermarket. We advice you to the same. It worked well. You can ask by email the office to have the lists of the contacts of the others students. For your organisation, the teachers fix the hours for the beginning and the end of the modules as soon as possible, ask by email the office.
  • BMCA / BMC® programs in the world / Equity
    You can get your certificate by doing all the courses required in any of the programs approved by SBMC. It is the case for the french program (SOMA) and the German program (MOVEUS) for instance. And the courses of year 1 and 2 can be taken in any order. So you can start in France with year 2 even though your are not finished with year 1. /
  • How to get registered ?
    The registration is only on line through the website on the menu calendar. Complete the form, please.
  • How works the registration?
    The registration process happens in 4 steps: ​ 1- Fill out the pre-registration form below. ​ 2- Upload & Send us the questionnaire with a ID photo of you, posted only by email in PDF or WORD: ​ 3- If there are still places available, we will send you a training contract. ​ 4- Your registration will be confirmed only after we receive your signed contract, and a deposit of 10 % of the overall training fees.
  • After the registration, what is the next step ?"
    Further to your preregistration, a contract of training will be sent to you by email as soon as possible. Please fill out the questionnaire and send back it with your CV as indicated to the end of the registration form.
  • Schedule during the session
    On the 1st day, we will be present from 8:30 to welcome you. The other days, class will take place from 9 till 6:15pm. Lunch break is from 1:30 till 3pm. The last day the class will end sooner. The end of the session is decided by the teachers dew weeks before the session. All the participants will receive a mail with all the logistics (studio location,...) 1 or 2 months before the session. The schedule is given on the 1st day.
  • Certificate
    Please consult pages concerning every training: the modalities of validation are explained there.
  • Preregistration / Registration / Reserved place
    The registration is complete when - you have send back the contract signed, - you have paid the deposit, - you have send back the form with the questions, cv and photo.
  • Canceling the contract?
    It is official: we have a label of french profesionnal training to which we owe legislative and accounting obligations. We are controlled. The clauses of cancellation are specified on the contract, which you signed and with whom you made a commitment. The cases of force majeure are defined by the insurances and the law and are fixed on all the contracts: they are the serious illness with medical certificate, the death and all the natural disasters. For the registration, please join the modules when you are available; because we understand that it is a real investment for you but the cancellations create administrative issues.

SOMA © Copyright 2017

Body-Mind Centering® and BMC® are registered service marks of
Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, used with permission.


Créé par UMI avec

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